babysitter information sheets printable

Stay Prepared and Organized while Babysitting with this Free Printable

September 26, 20234 min read

As a parent, leaving your child with a sitter can be a daunting experience. But not when you ensure your babysitter/nanny has all the necessary information needed to keep your child safe and comfortable while you’re away. One way to do this is by creating a babysitting information sheet.

A babysitting information sheet is a document that contains important information about your child, your home, and your contact information. Filling out this emergency contact form may seem like a small task, but it can make a big difference in your child’s safety and your peace of mind.

Below is a basic information sheet for your babysitter to have on hand in case of an emergency. It lists your address, names, phone numbers, and important contact numbers your babysitter might need to know.

Babysitter Information Sheet

CLICK HERE to Download your Free Printable Babysitting Info Page

a printable babysitting information sheet

Why a Babysitting Info Sheet is Important

A paramedic friend of mine says that when emergencies arise and a babysitter needs to call for help, they often do not know the address they are at. Having all that information within reach when they most need it is vital in an emergency.

This is why I offer a free information sheet in this post because it’s that important. But should you want something more extensive (i.e. a list of your child’s allergies, meal information, etc.), I have a more detailed set in my Etsy shop that you can find here.

But should you like to create your own, here are some things to consider:

What to Include in a Babysitting Info Sheet

There are many different things that you can include in your babysitting information sheet. Some of the most important information to include is your child’s name, age, and any medical conditions or allergies they may have. You should also include your contact information, as well as the contact information for a trusted neighbor or family member who can be reached in case of an emergency. Additionally, you may want to include information about your child’s routine, such as when they eat or go to bed, as well as any rules or expectations you have for your babysitter.

Here are the same items in more detail:

  • Contact information: Provide your phone number, address, and any other relevant contact information. Also, make sure to include the babysitter’s contact information.

  • Emergency phone numbers: List emergency contacts such as the police, fire department, and poison control center.

  • Medical information: Include any medical conditions your child has, such as allergies or asthma, and provide instructions on how to handle them.

  • Feeding instructions: If your child has any dietary restrictions or preferences, be sure to include them in the information sheet. Also, provide instructions on how to prepare and serve their meals.

  • Bedtime routine: If your child has a specific bedtime routine, provide detailed instructions to ensure they get to bed on time.

  • House rules: Make sure to inform the babysitter of any house rules, such as whether or not they can have guests over or use certain areas of the house.

  • Emergency procedures: Provide instructions on what to do in case of an emergency, such as a fire or natural disaster.

  • Provide information on your home: Include any relevant information about your home, such as where to find important items like first aid kits or fire extinguishers.

By including all of this information in your babysitting information sheet, you’ll help ensure that your child is safe and well-cared for while you’re away. (This is ideal for leaving with your kid’s daycare, too!) Remember to update the information sheet as needed and provide any additional instructions or information that may be relevant.

Pinterest pin for a free babysitter information sheet

Remember, the more detailed and comprehensive your babysitting information sheet is, the better equipped your babysitter will be to handle any situation that may arise. Make sure to review the information sheet with your babysitter before you leave, and be available by phone in case they have any questions or concerns.

You may also want to consider having a trial run with your babysitter before leaving them alone with your child for an extended period of time.

Overall, a babysitter information sheet can provide peace of mind for both parents and babysitters. By taking the time to create a detailed and thorough information sheet, you can help ensure that your child is safe and happy while you are away.

babysitter information sheet
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Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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