
blog image

Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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blog image

Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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blog image

Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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Self Care

blog image

Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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Healthy Living

blog image

Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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Keeping a Home

blog image

Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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Money Matters

blog image

Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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DIY Projects

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Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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Free Printables

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Simple Bedroom Ideas to Help you Love Your Space

October 03, 20178 min read

Our bedrooms are more than just rooms where we sleep. They function as the family gathering place on Saturday mornings, the hang-out spot at bedtime, and the occasional corrections office when an attitude needs realignment.

It’s also the place we escape to when we need to hide from our kids for a few minutes or desire a quiet place to read a book. A haven where spouses spend quality time together.

bed with white bedding

Our bedrooms are multi-functional and wear a lot of hats. But regardless of what stage of life we’re in, the one constant for everyone is, our bedrooms are where we end our days and where they begin. So for that reason, they are pretty important rooms.

Whether or not we realize it, the state of our bedrooms can determine the outcome of our day. Our surroundings influence us, for positive or for negative. So if we spend a great deal of quality time in one room, that room should be up to the task.

If you do not have the retreat of your dreams, here are some simple ideas for any budget that will give your bedroom the fresh look you desire.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here or look for more information at the bottom of this post.

1. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

I am starting with this one because I feel that not only is it the most important thing we can do in our bedrooms, but it is also the easiest way to improve any space.

Clutter equals stress which none of us need in our lives. It most especially need not be the last thing on our minds or the first thought we come to in the mornings.

»» Remove furniture that has no place in the bedroom: T.V., computer, exercise equipment. 

If you are tight on space and must have a work area, use a divider to separate the area from the bedroom. Keeping this area simple and minimal really goes a long way towards creating a tranquil space you will want to be in any time of day.

»» Go through all your clothes and get rid of anything you cannot wear or that is out of style.

Think about the last time you wore each item and if an entire season or year has gone by, it should go.

»» Store rarely used items on top of the closet or under the bed.

Make use of the areas that are just collecting dust. But make sure these areas are neat and organized. Storage boxes under the bed keep things nice and neat and allow easier access to cleaning under the bed.

»» Your bed can also create visual clutter.

If you have a ton of pillows, you might consider a Body Pillow for a sleek, cleaner look. Or at the very least, two pillows per person.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Adding that bed skirt you got with your comforter set but have never used is a great way to hide the stored items under your bed and keep the visual appeal in your room.

Rainy Day Savings: Investing in storage baskets adds an element of charm to any room and keeps your items easily organized and accessible.

Mad Money: A closet organizer is a great investment. It makes the most of a small space and keeps things nicely organized.

closet with an organizer

2. Change the Layout of the room.

Rearranging is a no-cost bedroom design that can improve the look of the room and breathe fresh life into it.

»» Find a focal point.

This could be a fireplace, a window, or something of special interest to you. The first wall you see when you enter the room often serves as a focal point; arranging your headboard against this wall can really bring the room together. Take a cue from your living room and add living room wall planks to create an eye-catching wall with ease. The results will take you in every time you see it.

»» Be creative and try fresh arrangements.

Move furniture away from the walls or angle them. Arrange a seating area.

»» Go beyond your comfort level.

By this, I do not mean go crazy with contemporary if you love country charm, but mix it up a bit. Take ideas from other makeovers if you are like me and often lack inspiration. Pinterest can be your best friend when you need ideas.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Grab a few pieces from the rest of your house and stage them in your room to give them new life.

Rainy Day Savings: Go to garage sales and thrift stores and find pieces that need a new home. Bring a picture of your room and colors to help visualize the new piece in it.

Mad Money: Nothing says retreat like a brand new piece of furniture; a new bed, rug, or even a new sitting area.

simple bed in a bedroom

3. Paint.

I used to love white walls until I was stuck with them for five years. A fresh coat of paint is one makeover tip you should not live without. In fact, a new coat of paint may be the only thing you need to spruce up your abode.

»» Choose wisely.

You want a room that calms you after a hard day of work. Dark colors over-stimulate while soft colors (blues and greens) and neutrals (taupe and brown) are both cool and calming. Think spa and earth tones.

»» Test your color choices.

Buy small paint packets with the desired color and paint it onto a poster board. Tape it to your wall and check out your color at different times of the day. You can take advantage of the help of a virtual color center at

»» This is just my preference, but if you are looking for a great brand, Behr Marquee is my all-time favorite.

You can paint any wall with just one coat. Seriously. You will pay more per gallon but since you are only using one coat, it will still be the same cost than if you were buying two coats worth of the cheap stuff. And you’re done in less time.

Their color choices are gorgeous; I painted my entire house using Behr Marquee.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Use paint leftover from another project and paint just one wall as an accent wall. Behind your headboard is ideal; it will give your room a fresh, new look.

Rainy Day Savings: Adding a stenciled design to your walls is a great way to add interest to your room.

Mad Money: Wallpaper, believe it or not, has made a comeback. Opting for wallpaper instead of paint, even just for an accent wall, can make your room pop.

woman holding up wallpaper to a wall

4. Give your bed a makeover.

The bed is your main piece of furniture in the room, the first thing that draws our eyes. You want to make sure it’s visually appealing as well as welcoming after a long day.

»» Headboards are a must.

They give a room and its bed a finished look. It can be solid, made of picture frames, or a stenciled form on the wall. Anything you use will be better than nothing at all.

»» When choosing your bedding, neutrals give the most freedom for decorating the rest of the room.

Unless you would rather your bed be the center of attention, then you’ll just need to find that balance for everything else.

»» An array of pillows adds romance and charm, but if your room has a contemporary flair, a body pillow will look better situated.

Money Sense

No Money Down: A simple change from a comforter to a large blanket can be a nice touch.

Rainy Day Savings: Purchasing a bed-in-a-bag is a great way to give your room a face-lift with minimal effort.

Mad Money: A new mattress can make all the difference not only in how you sleep but how you wake up.

give bedroom a fresh look

5. Decorate/Provide Ambiance

No place is complete without those little touches that bring a room together.

»» Add a personal touch; photos of vacations, loved ones, or meaningful mementos encourage contentment.

»» Change out old lampshades and drawer handles with ones that complement the room.

»» Add mirrors to make a small space feel larger.

»» An area rug can make or break a room. You should make sure the rug is large enough to tuck under the bed and at least one other piece of furniture.

»» Bring in the outside. Fresh flowers provide the aroma needed for a retreat. They also generate oxygen and remove toxins from the air; all aiding in relaxation.

Money Sense

No Money Down: Keep lighting soft. Switch out your bulbs for lower wattage ones or use only the lamps you need for what you are doing.

Rainy Day Savings: If you have never used a sound machine then you do not know what you are missing! It is ideal for blocking out noise and relaxing your nerves.

Mad Money: Indoor water fountains are the perfect addition to your oasis in the desert.

woman's hands lighting two candles

I hope these bedroom ideas help transform your space into something you really love. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any at all) to have a bedroom makeover. Just incorporating these little fixes can improve a room drastically.

If you like your results, you can even try these ideas to freshen up other rooms in your house. 

You might also find these posts helpful:

12 Things you Should Know Before a DIY Remodel

DIY Canvas Artwork

DIY Bookshelf Made From Crates

Pinterest pin for the blog post "Simple bedroom ideas when your room needs an update"

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

bedroom makeover ideasbedroom refresh tips
blog author image

Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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