period survival kit

How to Make a First Period Survival Kit

March 05, 20216 min read

A girl’s first period can be an uncertain time, for both daughter and mother. But there’s plenty of things you can do to prepare and make the transition as seamless as possible.

For starters, if you are unsure how to prepare for this event in your daughter’s life, check out this post on how to prepare for your daughter’s first period.

Putting together a survival kit for your daughter is a fun way to show your support of an important step on her journey to becoming a woman. And it makes her feel loved and pampered, which is something all of us women can appreciate.

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What should be in a Period Survival Kit?

There are no right or wrong answers here, especially since all women are unique and have different needs/comfort levels.

But I think having some basics to start is a good base, then add some extra touches from there. Here are a few of my favorite ideas:


Box of pads, feminine wipes and liners arranged on the floor

I know this one is pretty much a given, but I wanted to add a bit of a tidbit here. First, for a girl’s first period, I think having some pretty supplies makes a great first impression.

I know there are other factors one should consider when choosing the right pads/liners, but for this period care package, you want it to be appealing.

Also, if you haven’t had time to check out all the beautiful cloth pads/liners that are pretty hot right now, check out what Etsy sellers are doing.

There are some gorgeous designs to choose from and deciding to go waste-free in this area is a really great decision. Plus it’s better for your health as it eliminates the contact of chemicals on your skin.

Cute Panties

I know that as we get older, we tend to wear our ugliest pairs while on our cycle but there’s nothing more uplifting to a woman’s morale than to have pretty undergarments.

So finding some new panties for your daughter to include in her box is a great way to make her smile and feel beautiful.

And if you want to add another layer of confidence to your daughter’s day, maybe invest in some period panties.

Heating Pads

I never really had a need for these much but my daughters love them and so we have several in our home. There are so many variations you can choose from, but the two types we use most often are electrical and rice pads.

These come in all sorts of shapes and sizes so finding ones for whatever ails you–whether it’s lower back pain, headaches, or cramping–is pretty easy.

Pain Management

There is a slew of ways to manage the discomfort of a menstrual cycle, both medicinally and holistically.

For the really bad days, there are always your go-to Tylenol, Advil, etc. But in our house, we like to try alternative means first and have found some amazing things that work.

Heating pads were already mentioned, but I have found using Amend+ with a carrier oil applied over the abdomen to be some of the best pain relief out there. I even used this after the birth of our youngest and it was the only thing effective against afterbirth pain.

Another good thing to have on hand for those emotional days are Zen Drops. I keep a bottle with me in my purse because with four women in our home, it’s needed a lot.

But, if you are looking for something that works immediately, you’re going to want to check out this option for cramping!


ghirardelli chocolate caramel squares displayed on the floor

I am not much of a chocolate lover, but I have one daughter who must have her chocolate, especially during that time of the month. So we keep it stocked and like to tease her about sliding them under the bathroom door as peace offerings.

If chocolate isn’t your daughter’s favorite, then find some comfort treats that she enjoys and add them to her box. Trust me, this is a non-negotiable.

Coloring Set

Nothing relaxes me more than sitting on the couch watching my favorite show and coloring. We have several books and lots of mediums at our home and there are many nights we all are coloring away, enjoying a relaxing night in.

And when you feel like death, cuddling up with a heating pad and a warm drink is perfectly paired with a relaxing activity like coloring.

Comforting Drinks

This is definitely a custom order here, but one I consider a must. We have more tea bags and hot cocoa pouches in our home than one family should probably have.

But they get used up, sometimes daily. I have one daughter who makes hot tea every day after school. I prefer hot cider, which they have in pouches, thank goodness.

Sipping a hot beverage, especially something like chamomile really helps when you are feeling achy.

However, if you want a comforting drink that also helps with cramps and heavy flows, you need to check out this tea for the menstrual cycle!

Sleep Aids

There is nothing worse than being on your period, feeling uncomfortable or in pain, and trying to sleep through it all.

We have a few favorites for that as well. We use the heating pads, of course, but one daughter swears by her sleep mask while another can’t go to sleep without her Dream Salve.

A new favorite has been these Sleep Melts. We take them and are out within minutes. If it’s a particularly rough night, we take some Zen Drops to help relax faster.

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Premade Period Kits

period kit in a pink zippered bag with liners, chocolate and feminine wipes displayed with bag

You can always make your own DIY Period Kit, but for those who would rather select something already made up, there are so many options to choose from.


Making a big deal of your daughter’s big day is really something new. At least in our culture. And I think that’s a shame. Having a period is a natural part of life and not one that should be shameful.

Obviously, there needs to be tact and decorum, but there’s no reason for making a girl feel like something’s wrong with her. And giving her a fun gift like a survival kit is a great way to make her feel special and loved for the beautiful young woman she is.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but if I am recommending an item in my post, it is only because I have used it myself or have done enough research on the product to feel it is a good fit for my readers.

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Kimberly McGraw

Kimberly McGraw is an author and online content creator, dedicated to sharing helpful tips with her readers. As a devoted wife and mother of three, she draws inspiration from her daily life to create heartfelt and relatable stories. Her writing reflects her deep commitment to her faith and her passion for encouraging mothers on their own journeys.

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